To network research in the field of salivary gland malignancies, the SARTRE network was launched in 2019. Participants of the network (ENT and pathology) have the possibility to share clinical data and pathological material for projects. The goal is to collect larger numbers of cases, especially in the highly diversified and rare salivary gland malignancies, and to conduct focus projects at different sites.
Our Mission
Networking of salivary gland centers to achieve advances in diagnostics and therapy of salivary gland carcinomas
Due to the low case numbers, larger prospective studies investigating salivary gland carcinomas are often difficult to realize for individual centers.
The aim of the SARTRE network is to enable extensive research projects with regard to salivary gland carcinomas by networking salivary gland centers throughout Germany on the basis of the larger case numbers. Through the cooperation of ENT, oncology and pathology at different sites, new possibilities for the joint collection and processing of samples and data with larger case numbers arise with the linking of expertise and site-specific research foci. This should lead to progress in the diagnosis and therapy of salivary gland carcinomas.
- Networking of salivary gland centers
- Carrying out extensive research projects with regard to salivary gland carcinomas
- Consolidation of research results
- Improving diagnostics and therapy of salivary gland carcinomas